
Kailey Proctor

Oncology Nutrition with Kailey Proctor

Oncology Nutrition With Special Guest Kailey Proctor, MPH, RDN, CSO Kailey details the process for board certification as a specialist in oncological nutrition. She speaks on common fears, myth busters, and fad diets while discussing her approach to personalizing nutrition plans. Kailey illuminates the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics guidelines, the “New American Plate” and …

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Brandi Felser

Sarcoma Cancer Awareness with Brandi Felser

Sarcoma Cancer Awareness With Special Guest Brandi Felser July is Sarcoma Cancer awareness month and our special guest in continuing the Cancer Awareness Series is the Chief Executive Officer of the Sarcoma Foundation of America, Brand Felser. During this episode, she covers her personal story on how she got involved with the organization and describes …

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National Cancer Survivor

National Cancer Survivor Month with Wendy Hobbie, CRNP

National Cancer Survivor Month With Special Guest Wendy Hobbie, CRNP June is National Cancer Survivor Month and we’re privileged to have a conversation with you Wendy Hobbie, CRNP, of the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia. Wendy was a pioneer in developing survivorship programs and has been at the forefront of creating protocol for survivorship clinics. In …

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Stephanie Chisolm

Bladder Cancer Awareness with Stephanie Chisolm, PhD

Bladder Cancer Awareness With Special Guest Stephanie Chisolm, PhD Director of Education and Advocacy Network (BCAN). Stephanie talks on prevalence rates, diagnosis, and risk factors associated with bladder cancer. The conversation also spans from theory (the field effect”) to standards of care for treatment and resources offered by BCAN. Listen to the Podcast on Spotify …

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Mike Craycraft

Testicular Cancer Awareness with Mike Craycraft, R.Ph

Testicular Cancer Awareness With Special Guest Mike Craycraft, R.Ph April is Testicular Cancer Awareness month and Mike Craycraft the founder of the Testicular Cancer Society (TCS), a testicular cancer survivor and registered pharmacist graces us as our special guest continuing our Cancer Awareness Series. Mike details his personal cancer experience , available forums offered by …

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Zac Getty

Colorectal Cancer Awareness with Zac Getty

Colorectal Cancer Awareness With Special Guest Zac Getty March is Colorectal Cancer Awareness month and Zac Getty, the Patient Education Manager at Fight Colorectal Cancer, cover topics ranging from risk factors to treatment to survivorship. Zac advocates for screening and dispels common misconceptions and stigmas associated with colorectal cancer. We’re honored to partner with Fight …

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Juan Valle, MD

Gallbladder and Bile Duct Cancer Awareness with Juan Valle, MD

Gallbladder and Bile Duct Cancer Awareness With Special Guest Juan Valle, MD Dr. Valle joins us as the Chief Medical Officer from the Cholangiocarcinoma Foundation to talk about these rare cancers. Dr. Valle Cites prevalence rates, distinguishes risk factors including regional-specific diets, illuminates novel treatment options and names common treatment effects. This month, we’ll be …

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Cervical Cancer Awareness with Hui Amy Chen, MD

Cervical Cancer Awareness with Hui Amy Chen, MD

Cervical Cancer Awareness With Special Guest Hui Amy Chen, MD Dr. Chen joins the conversation to kick off the Cancer Awareness Series with a discussion on cervical cancer. She shares her career path as a gynecological oncologist and highlights topics, including prevention as general guidelines, such as HPV screening, novel treatments, and social determinants of …

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Intersection of Nutrition and Cancer

Intersections of Nutrition and Cancer with Janice Baker

Intersections of Nutrition and Cancer With Special Guest Janice Baker, MBA, RD, CDE, CNSC, BC-AD Janice joins the conversation to discuss cancer-related health conditions including diabetes, orthorexia, and cachexia. As a diabetes educator, she discusses the comorbidity of cancer and diabetes. She defines orthorexia and challenges faulty thinking habits related to diet for cancer patients. …

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Adolescent and Young Adult (AYA) Programming with Wendy Griffith, MSSW, LCSW-S, OSW-C

Adolescent and Young Adult (AYA) Programming with Wendy Griffith

Adolescent and Young Adult (AYA) Programming With Special Guest Wendy Griffith, MSSW, LCSW-S, OSW-C Wendy Griffith joins the conversation to  share her role at MD Anderson as the Program Director for the Adolescent and Young Adult program. Wendy Highlights her research, specific areas of concern and expectations of treatment and recovery for AYA cancer patients …

Adolescent and Young Adult (AYA) Programming with Wendy Griffith Read More »